

All individuals who are 7 or 8 years of age, as of December 31st, are eligible to register in the U9 division, which offers structured practices and games at a ratio of 2:1.

Participants are divided into equal teams consisting of a maximum of 19 players. 

All players play all positions, including goaltender; goaltender equipment is provided by MMHA.

A qualified coach will facilitate all on-ice activities; however, each team will require several parent volunteers.

Practices will focus on technical skills and individual tactics, with an introduction to team tactics.

Teams will be registered in a designated OMAHA league.

Games commence in the second week of November and will be played half-ice 4-on-4 (plus 1 goaltender) until January 15th, at which time they will transition to full-ice games.

A 2x3 net will be utilized.

The score clock is utilized to time game lengths (2x25 minute periods) and shift changes (2 minutes) - the score will not be recorded and game sheets are not utilized.

Games will be officiated by certified officials. There is no offside nor icing; minor infractions (penalties), goals and puck freezes will result in change of puck possession.

Efforts will be made to facilitate a tournament; however, this is dependent on the number of registrations.



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